

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors: Making the Festival Possible

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors whose generous support has made the Vaughan International Music Festival a reality. Your commitment to the arts and music education has created an extraordinary platform for talent and inspiration. We are immensely grateful for your invaluable contribution.

presenting sponsor


Music performances within various genres 

  • We provide opportunities annually for performers to submit a request to participate on VIMF website and social media channels 


Sponsorship Support 

  • We provide support to VIMF team and performers with seeking sponsors that can provide their support through various sponsor- level opportunities 


Festival Ambassador with organizing team 

  • Ambassadors provide their support throughout the months with the organizing team to the day of the event in a variety of ways 


Festival Weekend support volunteer 

  • Festival Volunteers will provide support throughout the festival weekend and will act as greeters and helpers on site 

Vaughan International Music Festival Sponsorship Opportunities 2023

Complete the form below, and our team will reach out to you.

York Region @Moving Forward Foundation 2015 

Charitable Registration Number: 803891852RR0001